Memorial Day weekend
We had a big, all-day meeting Thursday, and still coming down from the intensity of that, everyone got early dismissal Friday -- the practice there on Fridays before holidays. I'd never heard of such a thing before I got to University of Michigan, but apparently U-M didn't just make it up. It's some sort of unwritten rule they don't tell you about in business school.
Albert, one of my MBA media pals, also got out early from his job at VNU, but apparently they're on this kooky New York thing called "summer hours" -- he's going to get out early every Friday this summer. Wow. We had plans for dinner after work, so we both killed a little time before finally having an old people dinner at about 5:30.
That was pretty much the extent of my plans for the weekend. I was just lazing around the apartment Saturday when Jeff and Barbara invited me out for a BBQ that night.
It was something of an adventure, since they live in New Jersey and getting there involves going to the Port Authority to hop on a little white bus that heads under the Hudson and into Jersey. They barbecued and had a bonfire and about a dozen of us enjoyed a perfect summer evening.
Jeff was John's roommate in San Francisco, and the way that I know Rachel, who I mentioned in a recent post. See how even in New York, our social network all connects back and around?
Cecil Shepherd, king of the Michigan business school alums in NY, said he's thinking of heading to the beach Sunday, so maybe I'll tag along. Who knows? I'm just taking the weekend as it comes.
I'd kind of like to find a place to watch the Tigers-Yankees game Monday afternoon. Not that I'm a huge baseball fan or anything, but just my luck -- I leave Michigan and the Tigers are having an amazing season, so it might be fun to root for the home team against the Yankees. Of course, if I was a guy, that sort of thing might be grounds for getting my ass kicked.
It is definitely in keeping with tradition. Memorial day... burn some meat. Ooops, sorry. In case of vegetabley inclined, burn some vegs.
To celebrate the first summer weekend in Michigan(can you believe nineties?), I didn't even turn on the a/c. I turned the former dog run into a vegetable garden this year by pouring in yards of good dirt before planting. My little vegetables don't quite look like 'Seamen' but, they do look like soldiers.
I am happy to hear you are keeping up the tradition... even braving the wilds of suburbs.
Anonymous, at 5/30/2006 8:07 AM
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