If I can make it there ...

Friday, May 12, 2006

I'm in love

Yesterday U-M alum Brett Grabel, an agent at mega real estate firm Corcoran, showed us seven apartments in about four hours. Amusingly, when I'd like one, John wouldn't, and vice versa.

The one I fell in love with was at 370 Central Park West. This isn't the apartment we saw, but it shows the building. It's this funky Tudor building across the street from Central Park, with a subway stop right outside the front door, and the kitchen is probably bigger than ours in Ann Arbor.

Sadly, someone else already put an application in so we're the backup but we're crossing our fingers. While we wait to hear from Brett, we went back up to the 90s for dinner last night so we could check it out. We started at the Dive Bar, apparently a softball team hangout, then ate with John's old roomie Jeff at Cleopatra's Needle -- a jazz club/ Middle Eastern restaurant that's been featured on the Food Network. (you know, like all those jazz clubs with falafels back home)

So today we're waiting to hear from Brett about what to do next: go see more places today or wait and see.

Oh, and yesterday we went to the grocery store for some minor necessities like catsup and coffee filters. It cost $80. Gasp.

And pedometer total: 16,000.


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