If I can make it there ...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there?

This summer, Katie and Lara and I got together to talk semi-formally about our life goals. We each made a list and talked about what it would take to achieve our goals and what's holding us back.

Since this trip to NYC is about living out a life goal of living in New York, this seems like a good time to publicly declare what I want from life.

I wrote my list in present tense, describing the life I want to live. In abbreviated fashion, the list I presented the girls:

1.) Career goals
- I work at a job that's challenging, interesting and rewarding.
- I fit in culturally with a team that works well together. We value and respect each other, and there's warmth between people.
- We have a culture open to trying new things.
- I work for a company I respect and that will look good on my resume.
- My job helps me learn skills and get experiences that will help me move into self employment.
2.) Financial goals
- I am well compensated for what I do, making enough money to allow for a superior quality of life and to keep putting away money in savings.
- We have enough money in savings at all times that if one of us gets laid off or quits our job, it is not a crisis.
3.) Personal goals
- My marriage with John is fun and vibrant.
- We live in a great place. The city is vibrant with much to do, we have great friends and an active social life.
- We love our home. It is comfortable and relaxing and we feel at home in our neighborhood.
- I have a good work/life balance. I enjoy my work, but it doesn't dominate my life.
- I keep learning. Now that my degree is done, I don't close the door on the learning and growing part of my life.
- I finish my novel and love it.

How's that for some new year's resolutions?


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