If I can make it there ...

Monday, November 07, 2005

Don't count your chickens

I've been networking toward a post-MBA job for years -- going to New York, putting on events related to the media, talking with Michigan alumni, all that jazz. And yet, graduation came and went with no job.

Could it be that even before arriving in NYC, this trip is changing my luck?

Over the weekend, I applied for a marketing job at the Advertising Research Federation, and by this morning, I already had a response that they'd like to meet with me when I get to the city in December.

Then later today Columbia called to see if I might still be interested in an editor job I applied for ages ago.
(I don't find that posting online any more, but yowsa, they need a business editor for CJR!)

I'm still crossing my fingers on the AP, too. I interviewed there this spring and loved everything about it: the organization, the job duties, my would-be boss. I've heard through the grapevine they haven't hired anyone since I was there, so there's still hope. (I hope there's hope)
I've pinged two people there and they both said they'd be willing to have coffee when I'm in town in December, and I'm trying to be casual about it instead of forcing them to commit to a date and time right now.

My problem with job hunting is the reason I was lousy at dating. I'm no good at playing hard to get. If I feel the connection, I don't want to pretend to be coy.
When I was dating, I never got the "if we went out on Saturday then he called me on Tuesday and today's Thursday, is it too soon to call him?" BS.
Similarly, I want to send five dozen roses to the AP and propose marriage, but we're still at the "will there be a kiss good night?" stage of the relationship. It's maddening.

At least the trip to NYC gives me a reason to get back in touch with some people about leads that might've gone cold, and makes it easier to see people face to face without it involving a flight and a hotel just for an interview. The pressure is off a bit. It's more like a "hey, I'm having some people over ..." than an official date.

I just hope one of these dates puts out eventually.


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