If I can make it there ...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

More to say, or just more ways to say it?

There's a great story in this weekend's Times about the confusion and frustration from having so many different ways to communicate -- some people rarely check email and only want you to call their cell, others hate if you call their cell and might want you to IM, some people only want email. How can you keep it all straight?

I've been peer pressured into signing up on Facebook, and I hear that young people think of email as something their parents do while Facebook is a primary means of communication. Likewise I got peer pressured into signing up for IM a few years ago.
So now you can call my work phone or my cell phone, you can email me on my work or personal address (my work email goes to my Treo, so it's always with me), you can IM me, message me on Facebook, send me a note through my LinkedIn profile ... and you know what I'm really excited about these days? I got my own personalized stationery and I like writing letters my with fountain pen. You know, letters that you put in an envelope, with a stamp, and they show up in the other person's mail box.

As I read many Facebook profiles, I'm struck by the content-free nature of many of the posts people leave. Is our human desire to connect with other people so strong that we can't resist saying something, even when we don't have anything to say?

Or maybe if you can call, email or IM any time you want, you just run out of things to say?


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