If I can make it there ...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Make 'em laugh make 'em laugh make 'em laugh

I like to laugh. Ask anyone who's ever worked with me. Bailey and I had the reputation of being the twin guffaws at the U-M News Service, and I once had an editor at my college paper give me a stern talking to because I laughed too much on the job. (I responded that I was sorry she didn't enjoy her job as much as I did, but I didn't think productivity necessarily equated to an absense of fun.)

In case you like to laugh, too, here are some things that have made me laugh out loud recently:
-- Joe Cocker at Woodstock, with closed captioning
-- Lara's blog posting about one of her earliest books (her posting about the worst rejection letter ever is pretty hilarious, too. well, a whole lotta Lara's blog, really)
--The Facebook statuses of our friend Jeff, waiting impatiently for his first child to arrive:
Jeffrey and Rachel are still waiting!!! It's officially a "Hoomaian" baby - LATE!!! (you'd have to know Jeff, but this is proof positive of the baby's paternity)
Jeffrey is waiting for "special package" to arrive - no tracking number, but now "overdue."

What I love about each of these is that they aren't episodes of SNL or professional content. They're people making each other laugh using the Internet. That might not be what the government nerds who thunk up the Internet intended, but I think it's a pretty fine use of technology. (Sure, all new technology is actually funded by porn, but laughter is a pretty benign benefit.)

Not that I'm opposed to professionals making us laugh.
-- Venture Brothers rules
-- David Sedaris is genius, especially when you hear his stories in his own voice
-- Family Guy's absurdity, like in this five-minute sequence of Peter fighting a six-foot chicken

A friend recently said on Facebook she was having a bad day, and she asked for friends to tell her jokes. I offered my favorite.

Knock knock
Who's there?
Interrupting cow
Interrupting co ... MOO!

(It's better when you see it. Like this.)

Hey, the stock market went up 1,000 points today. Don't you think we all deserve a laugh?


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