If I can make it there ...

Thursday, December 28, 2006

It's beginning to look a tiny bit like Christmas

I realized today that most of the photos on the blog are either of me or John but not of us together. That's a little sad.

So here are some photos of us from Christmas weekend, when there was not a flake of snow on the ground but we actually did have to wear winter coats a few days. (something of a change after a very mild winter)

This is a little after the fact, but a few people asked about how you buy a Christmas tree in Manhattan. I think it's one of those things like grocery shopping that's hard to picture if you're used to driving a car someplace and loading up the trunk.

One of the things I love best about the Christmas season in New York is that there are cut trees on just about every corner, often with corny carols playing on a jambox, so you smell evergreen and hear The Little Drummer Boy on your way to wherever you're going.

Here are trees for sale in front of the Starbucks a block from our apartment.

The scaffolding comes down promptly on Christmas and there is no sign there was ever a cute girl in Carhartts helping to wrap trees in twine to transport them home.


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